Drawer title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla molestiae laudantium quis et, veniam, eveniet aperiam facere dolorem iusto reiciendis veritatis dolorum nisi? Eligendi inventore nam nihil, rem dolores nulla autem repellat sunt iure omnis ullam nisi voluptatem id expedita beatae, officiis accusantium consequatur, ea dignissimos enim consequuntur odio cumque.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nulla molestiae laudantium quis et, veniam, eveniet aperiam facere dolorem iusto reiciendis veritatis dolorum nisi? Eligendi inventore nam nihil, rem dolores nulla autem repellat sunt iure omnis ullam nisi voluptatem id expedita beatae, officiis accusantium consequatur, ea dignissimos enim consequuntur odio cumque. !!!!!

Multi-Engine Rating Questions

What is commercial multi-engine add on?

The multi-engine land rating is an “add-on” to an existing single-engine land private, commercial, or ATP certificate. For this rating, both VFR and IFR operations will be emphasized. There are no minimum time requirements for the multi-engine land rating; however, you will need an instructor endorsement for flight and ground training prior to taking the checkride. There is no written exam, only an oral exam and practical checkride are required.

Multi-engine rating can be added to a private pilot certificate, in most cases it makes more sense to wait until a pilot has a commercial pilot certificate and instrument rating as this will save the pilot a substantial amount of money in the long run.

How long does it take to get Commercial Multi-engine add on?

The time duration of obtaining a multi-engine rating depends on student schedule and proficiency. Flying often, studying frequently and efficiently and being prepared for each flight lesson will ensure that the multi-engine rating is achieved at a lower cost and within the minimal timeframe. We estimate 10-15 hours to complete this training.

If I complete the Commercial Pilots License, is it possible to take the Multi-Engine add on to obtain my Multi-Engine rating?

Yes, If you complete CPL, you are eligible to complete the multi-engine add-on to receive your multi-engine rating. We are currently offering Commercial multi-engine add on in our school. Please contact us for more information.

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+ 1 (631) 831 6775
Hours: Mon - Fri, 9AM - 5PM